
Remembering Harold During the Holidays

Remembering Harold During the Holidays

Published: 12/14/2020

It was around this time four years ago when I rushed to the ER. My sister had called me and was clearly shaken up. My grandfather hadn’t been feeling well, so he called his personal nurse (my sister) to take him to the hospital.

While there, it became apparent that something wasn’t quite right. We would find out later that it was pancreatic cancer.

My life’s hero was gone by the end of January.

There are three things you need to know about Harold:

  1. His family meant everything to him,
  2. The man loved the holidays, and
  3. No one in the history of the world enjoyed hot dogs as much as him.

Every year, Christmas Eve was at his house at 6:00 pm. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I learned that not every family has crockpots full of hot dogs and hot dog sauce as the centerpiece of their Christmas meal.

That day at the hospital, the doctor informed him that they probably would not be able to start treatment until the first of the year. The look in the doctor’s eyes and tone of his voice said everything I needed to know about my Papaw’s prognosis. It wasn’t good.

But, then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw my grandfather move quicker than I’d seen him move in years. As I looked over, he pumped his fist in celebration with the excitement of Michael Jordan after his miracle shot over Craig Ehlo.

I remember thinking how confused I thought my grandfather was. I thought he just didn’t understand how sick he really was.

Looking back now, I’m convinced my grandfather wasn’t confused at all that day. I believe he knew exactly what was up. He was excited even though he knew his days were numbered.

In that moment, all he cared about was having one last special Christmas with the people who were the most special to him.

The holidays are going to look different this year. While we always dream of a white Christmas, I fear that this Christmas will be an especially dark one for many.

I don’t know how you’ll be celebrating Christmas in 2020. I hope you’ll be safe for your sake, your family’s sake, and for the sake of our community. But, I’m not here to lecture you on any of that.

But, here’s what I do know. Whatever Christmas looks like this year, there is joy to be found and there is peace to be had.

In whatever way we can, let’s make the most of this Christmas no matter how tough it is. Let’s make the most of today no matter how dark it might seem. And, if we continue to make the most of everyday, one day we will find that we made the most out of our lives.

We’re never guaranteed tomorrow. So, the best thing we can do is squeeze every bit of life out of each moment and pour every ounce of love we have into the times we share with each other.

This is one of the great lessons I’m still trying to learn from my grandfather.

Oh, and that any day is a good day to enjoy a good hot dog.


Is there a loved one you especially miss around the holidays? If so, and it’s not too painful to share, I’d love to hear about them in the comments. ❤️🎄

©2024 Jimmy Lemon