
Learning from Innocence: A Reflection on Racism and Equality

Learning from Innocence: A Reflection on Racism and Equality

Published: 05/29/2020

A while ago, Isaac was playing at a public playground (remember those?). Ike has a tendency to play “around” other kids who may or may not know he exists. Yes, he gets his social skills from mom and dad. lol

When it was time to go, he was told to say bye to his new “friends.” Apparently, in so doing, he obliged by telling one of the little boys “bye brown friend.”

I’ve thought a lot about this story the last few weeks. Ike noticed that the little guy’s skin looked different from his, but the thought never occurred to him to hate this other little dude or look down on him. He was simply a friend after a few minutes of Isaac running behind the boy as he played with his actual friends.

As a white dude who has lived most of his life in an area that’s not the most diverse, I’ll be honest and say that I don’t know if I’m supposed to not see color, or notice it and honor it, or something else. But, I do know this, it’s definitely not something to hate another human being over.

Racism flies in the face of the gospel and the teachings of Jesus.

I don’t know what I can do as an individual to stand with people of color. I have no words of wisdom to add to the ever growing groundswell of voices on the matter.

All I know is that God loves every last one of us exactly the same. Not one of our lives is any more important in God’s sight than any other. Each human soul is incredibly precious to the Father. Each life should be just as valuable to each and everyone of us.

For my black friends, I post this to add to the chorus of voices speaking up about this issue. I’m also posting this as an invitation to educate this clueless white dude about what life is like for you day in and day out.

©2024 Jimmy Lemon