
My Covid Recovery

My Covid Recovery

Published: 1/27/2021

Today was my first day out of isolation after testing positive for Covid-19 a couple of weeks ago.

I’m feeling much better, but the virus definitely knocked me on my butt for several days. I’m grateful that I had a relatively mild case, but I’ve never had an illness with such crazy symptoms in my life.

By far the worst part was spending the time isolated in our back bedroom away from everyone (including Megan and Isaac for 11 days). The older I get, the more and more I realize that I’m a people person. A week and a half completely by yourself is pretty hard on a people person.

But, I’m grateful for all the great people in my life who texted to check in on me, delivered food and ice cream, sent grub hub gift cards, and dropped off toys to keep little man occupied during his quarantine. I mean, I would have appreciated some toys as well, but you know. 🤷‍♂️😂

I had a lot of time to think the last couple of weeks (in between lots of sleeping). I honestly learned quite a bit about myself and the world around me. I won’t bore you with all of the random thoughts swirling through my head, but I will give you three.

  1. If you need to pass time, by far the best use of your time is to binge watch all the interviews Fred Rogers did on YouTube. He’s one of the most fascinating men of all time.

  2. Make sure to surround yourself with good people. My appreciation for my people (to borrow a phrase from one of my people) has grown exponentially the last few weeks.

  3. Life is way too short for all the things we spend so much time stressed out and worried about. Let’s just enjoy life, take care of each other, work hard at what we do, and make the most of whatever time we have…no matter what life might look like. I’m determined, now more than ever, to add joy and happiness to the world the way so many of you add it to my life.

Take care of yourself out there. Covid is no joke. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, but, in the mean time, be safe for yourself and the people around you.

It’s not forever, it’s for each other.

*photo is of my first foray outside to Ritter Park…which seemed extra beautiful after all that time in one room

©2024 Jimmy Lemon