Happy Birthday, Buddy
From Facebook (2/18/2020): Isaac doesn’t quite understand birthdays yet.
Isaac doesn’t quite understand birthdays yet.
He finally understands that he’s 3 and will be 4 on his birthday (and he often reminds us that we aren’t invited to his party when we make him mad).
But, he will also randomly tell people happy birthday. Or, he will just sing happy birthday to you when it’s definitely not your birthday.
Just a little bit ago, Isaac looked at me and said “happy birthday, daddy.” Then, he looked at meg and said, “happy birthday, mommy.”
I’m not sure what he thinks he’s telling us when he says happy birthday. But, he’s always being sweet when he says it.
It got me thinking about how we will celebrate people’s birthdays once a year on the anniversary of their date of birth. It’s like a celebration saying, “hey, I’m glad you were born.”
When Isaac wished me happy birthday earlier, it struck me as odd that I only express my gratefulness for the birth of those around me on their birthdays when I’m grateful (or at least should be) much more often than that.
So, if you’re reading this, I’m glad you were born. I’m happy you’re in my life. And, from Ike and me, happy birthday…no matter what day you were born on.
From Facebook (3/7/2019): “He Laughs”
The Hebrew name Isaac means “he laughs,” and there couldn’t be a more perfect name for our wild three year old.
When we were in the midst of our struggle to have kids, I turned toward scripture to find comfort and guidance. I came away frustrated because God came through for all of these great Bible figures (Abraham and Sarah, Hannah, Zechariah & Elizabeth, etc). In that moment, it didn’t feel like God was coming through for us.
I realized through that season that I was trying to claim a promise that God never made to me. He never promised Megan and I that we would have kids. If He chose to bless us with a child, it would be just that. A blessing.
When God did bless us with a son, we chose to name him Isaac.
In the story of Abraham and Sarah, angels tell Abraham that Sarah will have a child. Sarah is eavesdropping, and she laughs because of how ridiculous it is to think that she, an old woman who has never been able to have kids, will have a child within the year.
Fast forward to when her son was born. It says…Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” (Genesis 21:5-6)
Basically, Sarah began by laughing just to keep from crying. She ended laughing with tears of joy.
Every time our little dude laughs (usually at someone falling or getting hit 🤷♂️), it reminds me of how much of a blessing from God this little guy truly is. Over the last three years, Isaac has lived up to his name. He’s currently cackling at the third straight video of “Sunny Bunnies” on the Disney app. I’m currently cursing the creators of said Sunny Bunnies videos. They are particularly annoying.
It’s not always sunshine and rainbows, but I’m so thankful for all those who get to share in our laughter with him.
Happy third birthday little man.
From Facebook: They don’t stay little very long
🚿 This guy has said forever that he would only shower at the ocean…and that’s just to rinse sand off when he leaves the beach. He always said he would start taking showers “when I’m older…like when I’m a dad.”
He also once told me he was going to be a dad when he got to high school. I told him we could probably wait a little longer than that. 🤷♂️
People always talk about the big milestones kids have. They talk about things like their first words, first steps, or first day of school.
But, what you don’t hear much about are all the little moments that are monumental in a sneaky sort of way.
You really don’t think much of these when they happen. It’s usually just some random Tuesday after all. You just go about your life. But, you look up one day and Tuesday has become another week, month, or even another year or two.
Isaac randomly started taking a shower this week…I’m not sure why. I just hope he didn’t become a dad while I wasn’t looking. 😂 My kid taking a shower may seem insignificant, but it’s just one of a thousand little clues that my little dude isn’t going to stay so little very long.
People will tell you that life will pass you by if you’re not careful. What they don’t tell you is that life will pass you by even if you are careful. The years care nothing about what you put into them or what you get out of them. They come, and they go. That’s just what they do.
It’s on me to decide how much life I squeeze out of each day. And, of all things, my 5 year old deciding to take a shower has reminded me to enjoy all the little moments with all of my favorite humans just a little more.