
One Shell of a Leader

One Shell of a Leader

Published: 9/14/2023

During Leadership Huntington last week, we were asked to share the answer to, “Who’s your Leadership Hero?” Names like my late grandfather, the coaches from my childhood, and even Mr. Rogers crossed my mind. But, in true Jimmy fashion, I picked… a Ninja Turtle. 🐢⚔️

Each turtle is someone’s favorite, and they are all awesome. Donatello was the brainiac🧠, Michelangelo the party dude🥳, and Raphael? He had raw, fiery talent😡. But for me, Leonardo wasn’t just the coolest turtle—he taught me about leadership before I even knew leadership was a thing during those Saturday morning cartoons. 📺

Leonardo taught me this: leadership isn’t about being the smartest, the life of the party, or even the most talented. Leadership is about consistency, dedication, and heart. Leonardo always put the team first, exemplified discipline, and guided with unwavering commitment. Leo was the glue. He may not have been the BEST turtle, but he was the BEST LEADER for the turtles.

So, about this photo: it’s a hook that hangs by my office door at Bullseye. My keys have hung here for a couple of years. Why?

  1. It makes me happy because I’m still 11 years old. 😊
  2. I. Lose. Everything. If you doubt me, just ask Megan. Trust me, hunting for your keys at day’s end? Not fun. 🔑
  3. As silly as it sounds, it’s my daily reminder that helping to lead our amazing team at Bullseye doesn’t require me to be the smartest, most fun, or even the most talented. It’s about showing up, rallying the troops, and pushing us toward what’s best for our team and our clients every single day. 🎯

🐢⚔️🔵 #Leadership #TurtlePower #LeadLikeLeo #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork #LeadershipHuntington 🔵⚔️

©2024 Jimmy Lemon